Just as there are different levels in other subject areas, it is also necessary to have different levels within the choir program. All choirs are equally important performing organizations.

The choirs available at Tompkins HS are:


For more information about each of the choirs see below. Forms, fee information, required materials and photos for each choir can be found on the page for each choir.

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Choir Placement

Placement in the Tompkins choirs is based on sight-reading ability, tonal memory, tone quality, vocal maturity, attitude, behavior, academic eligibility, and overall experience.

Women’s Choir – Bella Voce


This is a non-varsity choir for women. Women’s Choir is comprised of young women who are experiencing membership in choir for the first time or whose voices and/or sight-reading skills need further development. If the Women’s Choir competes in the UIL Concert & Sight Reading Contest, students are required to participate. They may also choose to participate in UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest.

Bella Voce Details

Men’s Choir – Forte


Forte is the non-varsity intermediate choir for men. The choir is comprised of quite a spectrum of young men who are either experiencing choir for the first time, whose voices and/or sight-reading skills need strengthening, or as a preparatory group to the Chorale Mixed Choir (to be formed in the near future). If the Men’s Choir competes in the UIL Concert and Sight Reading Contest, students are required to participate. Members may choose to participate in UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest.

Forte Details