The Choir Program at Tompkins High School provides choir students of all levels opportunities to perform and grow musically. While the KISD Fine Arts budget meets the very basic requirements of the program, additional funds are needed to provide our students with the caliber of choir program we have come to expect and enjoy!
The Choir Booster Club is a volunteer organization set up to assist with many aspects of choir including:
- providing chaperones for trips
- the purchase of sheet music
- uniform purchase and maintenance
- manning concession stands at District Auditions and Coffee Houses
- purchase of equipment
- accompanist fees
- fundraising events
2024-25 Executive Board Members
President: Angela McClinton
Secretary/VP of Membership: Marcie Payne
Treasurer/VP of Fundraising: Fiona Day
VP of Special Events: Traci Brown
VPs of Publicity:
Derek & Amber Alfonso